Safeguarding your Business Utilizing Best Practices and Cleaning Supplies

Posted by National Paper on 25th Oct 2014

p>With recent media coverage of contagious illnesses plaguing thousands of people, proper cleaning to best protect against harmful organisms is of great concern to business owners and managers. When you engage in best practices, using the right cleaning products and supplies, you offer the best protection possible to your employees, customers and others who frequent your business.

Protection against serious illness; Concern for businesses

Serious health conditions contracted in the workplace is concerning to business owners. With employees working in close proximity to one another and customers who have close contact with employees, merchandise and facilities, the potential for serious illness from sick people can prove nerve-wracking, even frightening. You cannot ignore the fact that every business has the potential for becoming the originating source of many people contracting a specific illness. Even hospitals are potential sources. In "Controlling Exposure: Protecting Workers From Infectious Disease," Work Safe BC points out that "large outbreaks" of the norovirus in hospitals has been traced back to a single patient. It spreads quickly and can live on surfaces "for days" if surfaces harboring the virus are not cleaned properly. That does not just include surfaces such as bathroom fixtures or counters but also drinking and eating utensils and a person's hands. Other serious illnesses and diseases are often spread in similar fashion as norovirus. Therefore, it is critical that the best cleaning techniques are continuously practiced.

How to safeguard your business using proper cleaning supplies and techniques

As a business owner or administrator, it is your responsibility to utilize the best techniques to protect everyone on-the-job, as well as customers, vendors and others who visit your business. There are several ways to ensure that best cleaning practices are always utilized in your business:

  • Train all employees thoroughly when hired and regularly reinforce the importance of thorough and proper cleaning, utilizing proper techniques, products and cleaning supplies
  • Make sure there is always ample stock of all cleaning products and supplies on-hand. Do not rely on the person responsible for ordering supplies to do this. Personally check the stock yourself. Employees cannot have properly cleaned hands after handling raw foods or using the restroom if there is no hand cleaner or sanitizer. You cannot use spray disinfectant if there is none in stock.
  • Make sure that only the cleaning product manufactured for a specific use is used for that type of cleaning. You cannot use glass cleaner to kill harmful bacteria and other organisms on countertops where raw foods have been prepared or to disinfect the toilet or faucet handles. Stress the importance of using properly-designated cleaning products and supplies for specific uses
  • Order all your cleaning products and supplies well in advance. Even when supplies reach your business, they have to get checked in and put away by your employees. Ordering in advance of actual need ensures there is no lapse in immediate availability
  • If you are not sure which cleaning supplies are best suited for the nature of your business or if you have concerns that you need additional types of cleaning products or supplies, call us right away. We are happy to discuss your cleaning products and supplies needs with you so that you are confident that you, your employees, customers and visitors are best protected from harmful organisms, germs and viruses.