Easily Keep Your Dorm Room Tidy

Posted by National Paper Systems.com on 12th Aug 2014

Easily Keep Your Dorm Room Tidy

National Paper Systems.com

As fall approaches, it will soon be time to start college. Whether you're a returning student, or new, you are very likely to be extremely busy with classes, studying and extracurricular activities. Your activities will probably not leave much time for cleaning, but if you stay in a dorm, it's important to keep it clean. Cleaning is probably the last thing you want to think of after a long day of listening to monotonous lecturing, but trying to study in a room that is an absolute wreck will make concentrating difficult. Cleaning your room doesn't have to be a dreaded chore, however. By scheduling one day each week, you can quickly get your cleaning duties out of the way, leaving time for more important tasks.


  • A good all-purpose cleaner
  • Cleaning rags
  • Small vacuum cleaner or sweeper
  • Trash bags
  • Laundry baskets/hamper
  • Duster
  • Broom and dustpan
  • Toilet brush

Step 1: Get rid of trash

Since dorm rooms are so small, you can quickly complete all your cleaning in about a half hour. First, start with removing any trash from the room, placing it in trash bags to be discarded after completion.

Step 2: Gather up laundry

After you have finished getting rid of trash, you should next focus on gathering all your dirty laundry and placing it in the hamper. After you've collected all your laundry in the bin, you can set it aside while you finish cleaning the room. After cleaning, you will need to go to the Laundromat to wash and dry your clothes.

Step 3: Change the bed sheets

After removing the existing sheets from the bed, be sure to place them in the laundry hamper to be laundered with your clothes. Place clean sheets on the bed, along with your bedspread and/or any blankets, and then you're done. This entire task should take less than 10 minutes.

Step 4: Dusting, vacuuming & sweeping

This next step can be completed very quickly, as well. Take your duster and give the entire room a quick dusting. After this is finished, you can vacuum, if you have carpet, or sweep and use the dustpan to discard the debris.

Step 5: Bathroom

Bathrooms have the tendency to become very soiled in a short period of time, but if you're sticking to your schedule and cleaning weekly, then it shouldn't be too dirty. If you didn't sweep already, then you will want to sweep first. After sweeping, you can spray down the sink, toilet and bathtub or shower with the all-purpose cleanser. If the cleanser contains a disinfectant, then leave it on for a few minutes before wiping down the surfaces; use the toilet brush to clean the inside of the toilet. You can even spray the cleanser on the floor and use a rag to quickly wipe it. If you prefer, you can use a mop, but your bathroom is apt to be so small that a mop isn't necessary.

As you can see, cleaning your dorm room doesn't have to be a dreaded event. As long as you plan the specific day each week to clean, then you can quickly and effortlessly get your dorm sparkling clean in no time. If it is helpful, you can use a calendar or app on your cell phone to help you remember.