A Dirty Bathroom is Bad for Business

Posted by National Paper Systems.com on 6th Aug 2014

A Dirty Bathroom is Bad for Business

If your business provides a public bathroom for customers or patrons, it's important to keep the bathroom looking its best and germ-free at all times. Not keeping this area as clean as possible is bad for business. This is particularly important if you have a busy business where customers and patrons frequent the bathroom area often.

Larger restaurant chains and department stores generally have staff on-hand to keep areas such as the bathroom clean as often as possible. Whether your staff cleans the bathroom hourly or every few hours, it's also important to utilize cleaning products that are guaranteed to get the job done.

The Message a Dirty Bathroom Sends to Customers and Patrons

It's almost next to impossible to keep a bathroom completely spotless 24/7. Because as soon as your janitor or maintenance staff has finished cleaning this area, it is likely to become soiled again almost instantly. But to try is the goal.

You really want to try because a dirty bathroom sends the message to your customers and patrons that their use of a clean bathroom is of little concern to you. It also makes patrons or customers wonder about the overall cleanliness of the rest of the establishment.

The Right Industrial Cleaning Products Make This Task Efficient and Easy for Staff

A well-trained janitorial and maintenance staff will know how to do a thorough clean and when using the right cleaning products, this process is easier for staff. It's important to invest in products that whiten and brighten problem areas such as the toilet and sink, and products that leave the bathroom smelling like it has just been cleaned.

Products that eliminate odors, bacteria, and germs. That fresh, clean smell offered by efficient cleaning products sends the message to anyone who enters the bathroom that it has been cleaned.

Problem Areas to Routinely Tackle

In the bathroom, your main concern is the toilets, sinks, and floors. But you'll also want your staff to keep door knobs clean and bathroom stall handles clean, as these areas harbor a host of germs and bacteria. Occasionally, you should have staff do a deep clean and tackle other areas such as tiling walls and bathroom stall walls. When these areas have been freshened up with a good clean, it can make a difference in the entire bathroom.

It's also important for staff to make sure they clean thoroughly around the floor area of the toilets, particularly in the back. This is not a fun task for anyone to have to do, but it is a task that must be completed efficiently and thoroughly. Not cleaning this area thoroughly each time will result in a build-up of things that shall remain nameless that could lead to odor problems. Not to mention that it just makes the bathroom look and smell unclean.

A Thorough Clean Every Time Equals a Bathroom that Patrons Won't Want to Avoid

Don't become that restaurant or department store that doesn't pride itself on a clean bathroom. When keeping the entire store cleaned for patrons and customers with cleaning products, targeting the bathroom is just as important as the rest of the store or restaurant.

While it remains out of sight unless directly approached by customers, it's just as important to keep clean. Keeping your restaurant or department store's bathroom spotless and smelling fresh tells customers that you care and take pride in cleanliness.