3 Essential Items for College Organization

Posted by Bri Neves on 15th May 2015

Congratulations! You have just graduated high school and gotten accepted into college! Suddenly, your whole world is changing and you are still not sure what to expect from a college environment. From exploring your campus to deciding on a major and looking at course requirements, one of your first thoughts may be, “How in the world do I keep track of everything?” National Paper Systems.com can help with that!

3 Essential Items for College Organization

1.  A Planner

The first thing to do is develop a system for keeping track of due dates for important tests, papers, and homework assignments. Although some students have an aversion to this and think that they will be able to keep all of the due dates for their assignments lodged in their brain, nine times out of ten, this is not the case. That said, keeping a planner in college is a must. Once you get a planner, carry it with you in a backpack and take it out at the beginning of each class. That way, when a teacher decides to stray for his or her syllabus and change the due dates of important assignments, you’ll be ready.

2.  A Calendar

You may be wondering, “Why do I need a calendar when I already have a planner?” The answer is that while a planner is excellent for keeping track of day to day or week or week assignments, a calendar is better for helping you to see the big picture of your semester. Keep your calendar on your desk, your fridge, or anywhere you are likely to look at it to refer to it everyday. Doing this action is a great way to balance your obligations, ensuring that not only weekly assignments get done, but that important tests and paper due dates will not creep up on you or become overlooked.

3.  Binders for Every Class

Here’s the scenario: you work all week on your Astronomy 101 assignments that your teacher handed out last class. Because you planned for it and didn’t wait until the last minute, you spent hours making sure that your answers were correct. Now it’s the beginning of class, you look through your backpack and have a horrible realization: you don’t know where your assignments are! Between this and the other three classes you’re taking, you don’t remember where you’ve put them! You search through your backpack and eventually realize where you left them--scattered all over the desk at home. You tell the teacher, but sadly, he or she does not accept late work. Please don’t be this student. Know where all of your assignments are, so that everyday, you are prepared to hand in your best work. For this, we recommend a binder for every class you are taking. That way, if you are taking four classes all together, but only two per day, you don’t have to spend your time lugging an enormous amount of materials. Trust us, your back will thank you.

Congratulations again on your new journey! National Paper Systems.com carries a wide variety of planners, calendars, and binders in different colors and styles so that you can select one that best fits your personality. We wish you the best in your back-to-school shopping.