5 Essential Cleaning Products for Small Businesses

Posted by National Paper Systems.com on 6th Jan 2015

Managing a business is as much about presentation and cleanliness as it is about your product or service. Because you only have one chance to make a positive first impression, it's important to keep your facility clean and welcoming. Make the most of your opportunity to wow guests with a crisp, professional appearance.

A Small Business' Guide to Cleaning Products

During the course of a day, your business has many chances to make a positive impact. Review the top five cleaning products every business needs to ensure a safe, presentable establishment to guests.


Featuring the ability to rapidly kill bacteria and germs, disinfectants are a must for any business. Particularly when welcoming the public, businesses should ensure surfaces, doorknobs, and bathrooms are sufficiently cleaned and disinfected. Available in special formulations or multipurpose, disinfectants are a staple of business cleaning products.

Glass Cleaners

Ugly smudges, barely visible as the flow of light changes, can quickly become unsightly and uninviting. Maintain shiny, smudge-free glass surfaces with powerful glass cleaners ideal for bathrooms, doors, windows, and counter tops. Incorporate cleaning schedules per shift to ensure displays and glass doors remain presentable. Money-saving tip: Buy frequently used cleaners in larger packages for the best value per ounce.

Furniture Polish and Cleaner

Business furniture is one of the largest initial expenses faced by entrepreneurs, and may not be recovered immediately through profits. Between waiting rooms, entryways, and offices, furniture often sets the mood (not to mention the comfort level) of a space, and is therefore not negotiable. Whether your furniture is primarily wood, steel, or leather, use polish designed to enhance the natural qualities of each surface while repelling dust and dirt. Doing so will provide increased return on investment as furniture is well-maintained.

Hand Sanitizer

From busy offices to grocery stores, high traffic businesses increase the probability of spreading germs on surfaces and via personal contact. Think about it for a minute; how many times per day do you open doors, touch surfaces, or shake hands? Each interaction deposits bacteria on your skin and clothing, which can lead to cross-contamination and illness. Keeping a supply of hand sanitizer nearby gives employees and customers the opportunity to sanitize without disrupting business processes.

Dust Cleaners

Whether your business is in health care or automotive repair, keeping a dust-free environment improves air quality, reduces pathogens, and ensures occupants can breathe safely. Unfortunately, keeping a regular cleaning schedule is not likely at the top of your priority list. Enlist the help of powerful dust cleaners that remove existing dust and repel dust particles, slowing the process of accumulation.

Keep Your Business Memorable

Running a small business is hectic, and keeping tabs on your cleaning schedule might seem to add to your growing to-do list. With the right cleaning products, much of the elbow grease associated with cleaning up is replaced with powerful chemicals designed to get the job done quickly. Ultimately, investing time and money in cleaning products for your small business leads to a safer, clean environment in which to forge long-lasting customer relationships.

Which of these products is your small business missing?